Master Degree Program

该系提供英语文学硕士学位课程. While 许多学生进入文学硕士学位课程是为了为教学做准备 写作或文学在学校或高等教育水平,其他人报名 为了获得写作、出版、 and a variety of business fields. Courses that address such professional interests 是建立在文学和批评核心研究的坚实基础上的 辅以传统的技能,该计划也发展:分析 abilities; techniques of investigation and organization and presentation of ideas. 对于一些学生来说,文学硕士学位的英语是必不可少的准备 the doctorate degree. 这是一些职业强烈推荐的背景 such as law. 但最重要的是,该学位通过丰富知识来支持职业抱负 学生的个人生活通过其丰富的文化历史知识,和 文学教会人们使用和享受的视觉模式.

除了一般的硕士学位课程外,该系还开设了一个专业 in Black Literature. 研究生水平的课程也适用于电视和戏剧 arts and communication studies.

Admission Requirements

申请英语硕士学位课程的学生必须提交一份成绩单 English paper. 学生还必须在90分钟内写一篇文学分析的论文 period scheduled at Chicago State University. The date of the scheduled writing period 可以从英语系(773)995-2189获得. Graduate applicants 不需要完成英语资格考试.

根据对英语试卷评分的评估,对试卷的评估 关于文学分析,以及学生是否满足了一般要求#2, students could be: (1) denied admission; (2) conditionally admitted; (3) fully admitted. 有条件录取的学生将被分配到英语2280和其他课程 deemed necessary. 有条件录取的学生必须成功完成eng2280课程 或其他被认为是进入硕士学位课程所必需的课程. 完全被录取的学生,但不能在文学分析方面发表一篇可接受的论文 will be assigned to Eng 5427.

General Requirements

  • 满足研究生入学的一般要求.
  • 完成24个学时的英语和英语本科课程 学士学位,平均绩点可接受.
  • 至少有一半的课程满足硕士学位的要求 必须达到5000级,包括一个美国文学研讨会和一个研讨会 in British literature.

Option #1

  • 完成至少30个学分的研究生课程 教学方法课程,平均成绩为B (3).0) or above.
  • 成功地完成英语或美国文学的综合考试 或者在学生积累了至少21个小时的语言学之后 master’s degree program. 学生只有两次成功的机会 complete the comprehensive exam.

Option #2

  • 完成至少33个学分的研究生课程(包括 论文),不包括教学方法课程,平均成绩B (3).0) or above. (See graduate advisor for MA thesis guidelines.)

Specific Requirements

  • 完成30个学期的英语研究生工作 approval of the graduate advisor. Teaching methods courses are excluded.
  • 完成以下课程,或其同等学历,是必需的 undergraduate or graduate level: Eng 4311 or 5411; 5331 or 5428; 4336 or 5436; 5415 and 5427; plus three courses in some combination of British and American literature.

Course Offerings

  1. ENG 5306 - Adolescent Literature (3)
  2. ENG 5314 - Victorian Literature (3)
  3. ENG 5316 - World Masterpieces (3)
  4. ENG 5321 - Black Women Writers (3)
  5. ENG 5322 - Black American Poetry (3)
  6. ENG 5323 - Wright, Ellison, and Baldwin (3)
  7. ENG 5324 - Gwendolyn Brooks Seminar (3)
  8. ENG 5326 - Studies in Romantic Literature (3)
  9. ENG 5329 - Studies in the Novel (3)
  10. ENG 5331 - Literary Criticism (3)
  11. ENG 5332 - Black American Fiction (3)
  12. ENG 5334 - Image of Blacks in Amer Prose Fic (3)
  13. ENG 5338 - Language (3)
  14. ENG 5339 - Current English Usage (3)
  15. ENG 5341 - American Literature Since 1918 (3)
  16. ENG 5342 - English Literature Since 1918 (3)
  17. ENG 5343 - Contemporary World Literature (3)
  18. ENG 5345 - American Literature, 1820-1865 (3)
  19. ENG 5346 - American Literature, 1865-1917 (3)
  20. ENG 5349 - The English Novel (3)
  21. ENG 5355 - Modern World Drama (3)
  22. ENG 5356 - The Experience of Film (3)
  23. ENG 5357 - The English Renaissance (3)
  24. ENG 5358 - English Lit of the 17th Century (3)
  25. ENG 5359 - Literature of the 18th Century (3)
  26. ENG 5360 - Teaching Literature (3)
  27. ENG 5361 - Language and Culture (3)
  28. ENG 5366 - Teaching English as Second Language (3)
  29. ENG 5367 - Special Topics in English (3)
  30. ENG 5368 - Workshop in English (3)
  31. ENG 5370 - The Amer Ethnic Exp In Literature (3)
  32. ENG 5371 - Immigrant Literature (3)
  33. ENG 5373 - Careers in Publishing (3)
  34. ENG 5374 - Book Publishing (3)
  35. ENG 5377 - Teach Write in a Multicultureal Set (3)
  36. ENG 5380 - Seminar in Non-Fiction (3)
  37. ENG 5381 - Seminar in Fiction (3)
  38. ENG 5383 - Ssminar in Poetry (3)
  39. ENG 5384 - African-American Autobiography (3)
  40. ENG 5386 - Morrison, Walker, and Hurston (3)
  41. ENG 5390 - Women's Voices (3)
  42. ENG 5395 - Intership in Writing (3-12)
  43. ENG 5411 - Studies in Shakespeare (3)
  44. ENG 5415 - Studies in Chaucer (3)
  45. ENG 5427 - Meth & Mat of Literary Research (3)
  46. ENG 5428 - History of Literarry Criticism (3)
  47. ENG 5435 - History of English (3)
  48. ENG 5436 - Descriptive Grammar (3)
  49. ENG 5441 - Advanced Studies in English Literature (3)
  50. ENG 5442 -美国文学高级研究(3)
  51. ENG 5443 - Advanced Studies in Black Literature (3)
  52. ENG 5447 - Seminar in Black Literature (3)
  53. ENG 5449 - The Politics of Language (3)
  54. ENG 5451 - Independent Study in English (1-3)
  55. ENG 5452 - Seminar in English Literature (3)
  56. ENG 5453 - Seminar in American Literature (3)
  57. ENG 5454 - Seminar in the English Language (3)
  58. ENG 5455 -作文教学讲座(3)
  59. ENG 5456 - Seminar in Publishing-Writing (3)


ENG 5498 - Master's Thesis (3)

Program Objectives


  1. 能够运用不同的修辞方式,写出条理清晰的论述 edited American English competently.
  2. 理解并能够有效地运用各种修辞形式和策略 信息写作和写作的各种观众.
  3. 熟悉英国的文学、主要发展和作家 and America.
  4. 熟悉美国有色人种作家的重要文学作品.
  5. 能够分析文学作品,理解各种批评方法, 并表现出对特色元素和技术的认识 various genres.
  6. 了解语言和语言发展、历史、方言的基本要素, and language acquisition.
  7. 能够批判性地思考问题并表达不同的观点.
  8. 善于解决研究和沟通中遇到的问题.
  9. be competent in operating word processing programs.
  10. 熟悉本学科的专业期刊.
  11. 熟悉专业组织,成为at的参与成员 least one.
  12. 愿意并能够确定自己的优势和劣势,并制定计划 of self-improvement.